My blog time has really had to be compromised lately, there's been so much going on and I just haven't had time to sit. I figured now that the graduation dust was beginning to settle I could take on my pre-meditated post on my Ironstone obsession. As you may have guessed, I do have a thing for white ironstone, it figures prominently in my blog name. So it's time for me to expose my addiction and come out of the collection closet. Let's start at the beginning.......
I believe it all started innocently enough.....when I was growing up my mother
used a very simple, plain, small ironstone platter at the
dinner table many nights. I remember it being one of the old "stand-bys" and
held it's fair share of meatloaf, white bunny bread,
and occasionally cut-up melon
no markings, other than the USA imprint on the back
(anyone know what kind of ironstone that is? I would love to know!)
As a young mom years later, I looked forward to a monthly day
out of the house at one of the Atlanta area flea markets. I was a faithful follower
every month for about 4 years,
until my favorite treasure hunt, Lakewood, closed down.
It was during this time I started to amass pieces of ironstone
that were usually cheap and plentiful
(and that's about the same time I discovered eBay too:) )
one small platter lead to another....
and another.....
which led to teapots.......
and more teapots......
and more pieces.....
odd pieces.....
vintage plates, cups and saucers
and yes, my favorite, pitchers......(deep breath here)
and more pitchers....
and more pitchers....
(I once had a lady who had come in to do a home show in my house look at
this particular hutch and said "why do you have so many pitchers?".....
I guess it must look like hoarding to anyone but an ironstone freak)
On my parlor room bookshelves the newer ironstone took
space alongside some of my mom's old tureens and heavy Red Cliff pieces
And eventually I decided I liked it so much I started buying
new pieces of Buffalo China ironstone pieces to use everyday
So, there you have it.....yes, I am an ironstone addict, I love, love, love it. I
don't do much flea marketing anymore, but if I'm out in an
antique shop or browsing a yard sale,
you can be sure any ironstone is going to call me like a magnet....
let's just blame it on childhood memories, shall we??!!
Here's wishing everyone a great week, and Happy Summer!!!
devon :)