I admit it. Etsy has become my downfall. I'm pretty good about not just buying for buying's sake, whether it's clothes or whatever, but sometimes it's just a little too tempting to be on there for something as innocent as posting feedback and then before I know it, I'm in some sort of eye candy wonderland looking at priceless things I can't live without. I've gotten to be pretty good about keeping myself in check (book).........after all, I'm trying hard to declutter and scale down my collection of things. But every once in awhile, something makes it to my favorite list, and the next thing I know I'm looking at it again, and again, and again.......until I come up with a simple reason why I should just go on and welcome it into the family. Here is one such pretty I just couldn't live without:

This is I believe what is known as a Bride's basket.........I had never really seen one before and wasn't familiar with the custom of it........I have read where small cakes were placed upon it, but I'm still in the dark about the custom or popularity of it. All I know is I fell hard for the detail of this little sweetie............
Hmmm....Father and Mother.........and then, look at the date!
Obviously a 50th wedding anniversary gift from a child or children to their parents............way, WAY long ago! I'm a sucker for rare and one of a kind pieces like this, dated from a different era. Not only is it unique, but the details are amazing and beautiful. I believe those are little cherubs dancing around on the plate?
And the designs around the rim, just so pretty......
My idea is to use it as a sort of candle holder or display piece.........here's a look at it holding a strand of vintage pearls that was another treasure I found the other day at an antique store-
I love the old jewelry pieces, look at the clasp on the pearls.....
Although not an Etsy find, I saw this beautiful silver cream and sugar set at an antique store near me the other day......
Normally I'm not to drawn to silver service pieces like this......but there was something about the sugar container that reminded me of a little loving cup
Again, I'm a sucker for details........I just love the little rim engravings on the set
Gotta stay off Etsy and out of the shops, I think!!
On a different note, I was finally able to do a little rearranging yesterday with the help of my husband.......a couple of years ago my sister in law from New York State sold her house and told anyone who cared to come up with a U-Haul was free to pick whatever they wanted. Even though we lived a good 1000 miles from her at the time, I didn't have to persuade Mr. Ironstone to drive up there and take advantage of such a generous offer. He knew as well as I did that she had some amazing pieces she was happy to share with her family since she was scaling down and moving to the city. He brought back a beautiful pine farm table (used for many of my pictures here on the blog, like above with the Bride basket) And also this gorgeous old English Pine Hutch. Believe it or not the hutch has been sitting in my garage with a protective cloth over it ever since he brought it back. We just never really had the time or desire to rearrange things and bring it into the house. Now, though, I'm ready to do some painting and make some changes in time for the holidays. I decided (with some sadness) to take out my mother's inlaid mahogany sideboard (don't worry, it's going into storage for now, not to the auction block) and bring the hutch into the dining room.

The red walls may or may not stay up through Christmastime.......I'm ready to lighten up my colors, but I admit the red is a great background at the holidays........in the meantime I'm happy with the switch, and hope to eventually get the other dark pieces out of the room.....
I guess it's only fair to show the other half of the room while all this was going on........don't want anyone to think I'm not capable of a real mess.......this all came out of the sideboard that was taken out (it's mostly my mom's crystal that was kept in there).....
and pictures off the walls........
(yes, that is an English saddle on it's end.....mine when I was 11.........I'm still trying to figure out how it got in here but I think my daughter must've had something to do with it :) )
Finally, I would love to say thank you again to Maura of
Lilac Lane Cottage for the lovely house sign I won in her giveaway a few months ago from Ramsign
Thank you Maura! The sign is beautiful and is only temporarily on the fence post until I can get it hung over the front door!!
Thank you everyone for catching back up with me, I appreciate your visit and comments so much!!
devon :)